Does AC Use Gas or Electricity?

Does Air Conditioning Use Gas or Electricity?

If you are looking for the answer to the question, “Does air conditioning use gas or electricity?” you might be experiencing an AC malfunction and you aren’t quite sure what to tell the technician. Or, perhaps you are wondering why your utility bill is so high and you are curious about whether your AC is responsible for much of your electricity usage. Whatever the reason is, it is not unusual to be unsure about how your air conditioning system or other home systems work. If you ever have any questions about your system, you should always feel free to ask a certified HVAC technician for help. Here at Intelligent Design, we pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service, including customer education. You can always count on us to answer your questions!

Does air conditioning use gas or electricity?

There are many different brands, models, and types of central air conditioning systems. Each model has unique features and energy efficiency ratings. However, all central ACs have one thing in common: They all use electricity, not gas. Of course, your electricity is sourced from your local power company. If you are concerned about your family’s carbon footprint, then you should assess the power source for your local utility company.

In Tucson, many customers rely on Tucson Electric Power (TEP) for their power. TEP formerly used coal to produce electricity. Coal is a heavy polluter and a major factor in driving climate change. However, in 2015, TEP announced that it was ending the use of coal at its largest power plant. This move was planned to allow TEP to become more environmentally responsible. In addition, it helped Pima County make the transition to stricter ozone standards. Instead of coal, TEP is now relying on natural gas, which is far less harmful to the planet than coal.

What does my heat pump use?

In terms of your home’s climate control system, you may use gas for your furnace in the winter. However, many homes in the Tucson area have heat pumps. These only run on electricity. In fact, they do not actually generate heat at all. Instead, they work by extracting warmer air from the outside and transferring it to the indoors during the winter. In the summer, this process is reversed. Warm air is removed from the inside of the home and expelled to the outdoors.

How can I manage my electricity costs in the summer?

In Southern Arizona, air conditioning is a must-have. While you might not be able to do without it entirely, there are ways that you can reduce your reliance on your electricity-powered AC. One of the most impactful steps to take is to schedule routine maintenance on your AC. Make sure you change your air filter in accordance with the technician’s directions. When the filter gets dirty, the AC has to work harder to push air through it. This will increase your energy costs. Other steps to take include the following:

  • Grill food outside or use a slow cooker instead of turning on the oven.
  • Close your blinds, shades, and curtains during the day.
  • Remember to keep your windows and exteriors doors closed while the AC is on.

In addition, you might consider planting some leafy trees around your home to provide shade and shield your home from the sun. However, you may want to consult your plumber before you do so. All trees and shrubs should be planted away from your sewer line. Otherwise, the roots might grow into it over time and cause major damage.

Is it possible to use solar power for my air conditioner?

Despite taking smart steps to rein in your energy costs in the summer, you might still be less than satisfied when you open your utility bill. Another thing to consider is a solar-powered AC. Intelligent Design is one HVAC company that has taken the eco-friendly step of offering the SunTrac hybrid climate system. It can integrate directly into any type of AC unit, including package, split, and mini-split systems.

The SunTrac system uses a solar panel that captures photons from the sun and turns them into electricity. The solar panel then sends this electricity into the AC’s refrigeration cycle. The result is a pleasantly cool home without a massive electricity bill.

Are you still curious about the answer to the question, “Does air conditioning use gas or electricity?” Or, are you experiencing a malfunction in your air conditioning unit? Just call Intelligent Design at (520) 333 2665! Our certified HVAC technicians in Tucson will be there as soon as possible to fix the problem and get your home cooled off again. In addition, we urge homeowners in Southern Arizona to consider making the switch to solar AC. We are pleased to offer the SunTrac hybrid climate system for residential and commercial customers who would like to change to solar and save on their electricity bills. Want to learn more? Get in touch today to find out if the SunTrac system is right for you!

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