Lower Your AC Costs

Can SunTrac Air Conditioning Systems Lower Your AC Costs?

Can You Lower Your AC Costs with SunTrac Air Conditioning Systems?

Here at Intelligent Design Air Conditioning & Heating, one of the most common questions we hear from our clients is “How can I lower my air conditioning costs?”. It’s no surprise that we get this question often. In Tucson’s dry desert climate, many homes are running their air conditioners around the clock for many months out of the year. Similarly, commercial building owners may find that their operating budget is mostly dedicated to running the AC. Fortunately, SunTrac air conditioning systems offer a simple solution.

SunTrac harnesses the power of the sun to curb air conditioning costs. However, it doesn’t require the full footprint or complicated installation of traditional solar panels. Even better, it may cost you next to nothing to install thanks to federal and local tax rebates!

What is SunTrac?

SunTrac features a sleek, streamlined single panel that uses parabolic mirrors to track and capture the sun’s energy throughout the day. The SunTrack air conditioning system then uses the sun’s heat to supplement the mechanical energy needed to power your AC unit’s compressor. This, in turn, offsets the costs of running your AC. Therefore, you can think about your SunTrac equipped AC as a hybrid air conditioning system rather than a solar air conditioner.

How do SunTrac air conditioning systems work?

Air conditioning systems work by blowing hot air over refrigeration coils filled with refrigerant that rapidly cools the air. Then, refrigerant is brought back outside to release the heat faster than it can come into your house. However, the refrigerant must be heated up hotter than the outside temperature as it travels out of your home. That’s the role of the condenser in your AC unit. SunTrac takes some of the work off the compressor by heating refrigerant pipes with the sun’s energy.

Where can I install SunTrac?

The SunTrac system is unlike other solar air conditioning solutions, because it does not require a large footprint to install. It is a single panel that will easily fit onto your existing roof structure. In addition, SunTrac air conditioning systems work with most modern air conditioning units. Therefore, you won’t necessarily need to upgrade your system or purchase a new AC unit to enjoy the benefits.

What are the benefits?

Currently there are both federal and state tax rebates available when you install the SunTrac system. So, there’s no better time to make this upgrade to your HVAC system. Additionally, SunTrac can save you money. By reducing the work of your AC compressor, SunTrac can help you cut your air conditioning costs by up to 40%. You can also enjoy an extended warranty for your air conditioner along with easy maintenance with SunTrac’s sleek and simple self-contained panels. This system is designed for about 15 years of use, so it’s a long-term investment for your home that can save you tons of money over time.

Is SunTrac suitable for commercial buildings?

In addition to residential applications, SunTrac is suitable for commercial buildings. It is a scalable system to over 500 tons but maintains a simple installation process for all commercial structures. Most high efficiency HVAC equipment is compatible with this innovative solar technology, so you can incorporate it into an existing system or new HVAC installation.

Are you ready to start saving money and enjoying greater efficiency from your air conditioner? Don’t wait until summer temperatures peak to make the most of your HVAC system. Call Intelligent Design Air Conditioning & Heating today at (520) 333-2665 to schedule an estimate. We are taking special precautions to keep our clients safe and practice social distancing on service calls. Therefore, you can still count on us for all your HVAC and plumbing needs in Tucson.

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